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Children's Authors

On this page you'll find an alphabetical list of the children's authors I talk about on this site.

john flanagan,John Flanagan

These are some of the best and most popular children's authors in the English language. Click on the links to read a bit about the authors, their books and my recommendations about the best books for various ages and stages.

Some of the authors on this list wrote a long time ago and their books are regarded as the classics of children's literature. Some - like Dr Seuss and Enid Blyton - are no longer with us. Others - like Mem Fox, John Flanagan and Robert Muchamore - are still very much alive and still writing today.

I'll be adding to this page when I can so do check back from time to time.

If you know the name of the author you're looking for, you can use the Book Depository search box up in the top right-hand corner of this page to find books the author has written.

Children's Authors A-Z

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